Experience Identity Course

The roadmap to rediscovering yourself in the midst of motherhood.

You don’t have to continue feeling lost, overwhelmed and unbalanced in motherhood. This is your opportunity to invest in YOURSELF, Mama, and change your experience in motherhood.

Feeling overwhelmed and unbalanced?

overwhelmed mom, balance in motherhood, mom rage
  • You’ve probably tried reading all the self-help books you can to find balance and clarity in motherhood.

  • You find yourself stretched thin between loving your family, but desiring to follow your own passions and dreams.

  • But even after your best intentions, you find that it’s hard to invest in yourself because you feel like everyone else’s needs matter more than your own.

  • Maybe you do find glimpses of yourself in motherhood but still feel overwhelmed, burnt out, and out of balance.

You are not alone.

Every day you wake up hoping that you will be present with your kids, find balance between work and family, have good boundaries, and be confident in who YOU are in motherhood.

But your dream of what motherhood would be like isn’t what it’s turned out to be…

You quickly fall back into patterns of feeling like a failure, yelling at your kids, being too busy and not even sure how you will make it through the day let alone the whole week.

Before you even get half way through the day…

You’ve lost your temper with your children.

→ You are flooded with mom guilt.

→ The mental load of appointments and chores overwhelm you.

→ Your phone has many unread emails and text messages.

→ Your thoughts are filled with “what if’s” and anxiety.

→ You look in the mirror and can’t even recognize yourself anymore.



1-1 Coaching Session

The first 3 people to purchase get an exclusive 1-1 (30 min) coaching session with me

Physical Workbook

The first 5 people to purchase will get a hard copy workbook that includes journal prompts and activities

Live Group Coaching

Join 2 live group coaching sessions to ask your questions, connect with other moms, and gain support on your motherhood journey.

It’s time to fully experience motherhood



Save $$ when you pay in full + bonuses

  • 6 modules to help you find joy in motherhood

  • 1 bonus module to overcome guilt

  • Journal prompts and activities

  • Community of fellow moms

  • Increased clarity and confidence in your identity and purpose as a mom



Most flexible option

  • 6 modules to help you find joy in motherhood

  • 1 bonus module to overcome guilt

  • Journal prompts and activities

  • Community of fellow moms

  • Increased clarity and confidence in your identity and purpose as a mom

Why can’t I be like other moms who know who they are, what they want, and seem to have it all figured out?

Now the mom guilt starts. . .

“How am I suppose to teach my kids to be themselves when I don’t even know who I am?”

Motherhood is hard. The mental load of juggling all the things can feel impossible. Unbearable.

It feels like you are running on a hamster wheel and constantly failing at everything.

You feel exhausted, burnt out, anxious, and unbalanced.

Sound familiar?

What if I told you it’s entirely possible to find alignment, contentment, joy and YOU again in motherhood?

There are effective, evidence-based tools you can use to change your thought patterns, learn how to implement boundaries, find confidence, and rediscover your core beliefs and values.

This is what I am going to show you in the Experience Identity Course.

Experience Identity Course

A self-paced, audio-only program, designed specifically for YOU, Mama!

Here’s what you get with the program:

  • Manageable audio lessons to fit the pace of a busy mom

  • Journal prompts, handouts and activities to help you implement what is learned in your daily life

  • Lifetime access to the course (including any updates)

  • Access to a private Facebook community where you can connect with other moms on a similar journey and where I will also be active to answer any questions

What past students are saying…

  • Chez T.

    Experience Identity is an amazing course that actually fits into a busy mom's schedule. As a solo parent with two littles, one with extra needs, I was still able to find time to take this course and implement the strategies. The wording that Elisabeth uses feels really supportive and understanding while encouraging growth and change to live easier and more true to you. If you're a new mom or an experienced mom feeling a little unsure, this course gives a path to certainty in who you are and how you can show up authentically for yourself.

  • Suzie J.

    This course was filled with warmth and love. Elisabeth touched on and brought to light so many of the thoughts and feelings that I've felt about myself daily since becoming a Mom. She provides tools to reconnect to who I am as a person, practical tips that are easy to incorporate into my daily life, and, to be honest, a much-needed deep breath. Regardless of where you are in your motherhood journey, you can learn something from this course, and it is truly worth the investment to get closer to truly seeing and understanding yourself as you wear the motherhood hat.

  • Erin M.

    I am so happy I took Elisabeth's course. I decided this was the year I would spend time working on myself after giving so much to my family. The course was the perfect tool to help me regain my sense of self as the mom of two boys. I never realized how much guilt and negative emotions I experienced daily. I now have the tools to reframe my thoughts, and it has been invaluable. Thank you, Elisabeth, for being such a great support for moms during their motherhood journey.

You are enough, Mama.

When was the last time you really believed those words?

It isn’t uncommon to have so much negativity in your mind 24/7, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

By discovering your identity and learning practical, therapeutic strategies, you can refocus your experience in motherhood and be the mom you want to be.

Some common ways you might be experiencing this sense of “lostness” in motherhood:

  • Putting everyone else’s needs before your own and then feeling irritated and unappreciated

  • Experiencing mom guilt for snapping at your kids or partner

  • Feeling like you never have alone time

  • Burdened down by the mental load of motherhood

  • Constantly feeling anxiousness, or feelings of failure

  • Guilt for even thinking about investing in yourself

why moms feel so overwhelmed

This is not who you are.

Those feelings of guilt, overwhelm, anxiousness and exhaustion do not define who you are.

Your value and worth are not connected to your behaviors.

When you are comparing yourself to every other mom, it is easy to feel inadequate.

But the truth is, you can rediscover who you are once again.

How do I know?

Hi! I'm Elisabeth. I am a mom to 3, wife, and licensed therapist. I’ve spent the past decade working with moms just like you helping them heal, be empowered and transform their lives.

I am going to share with you through this course, what I taught my therapy clients for the past 10+ years. I also know firsthand as a mom, how much your identity shifts after becoming a mom and have a personal story with struggling with some of these experiences.

There was a time not too long ago in my motherhood journey in which I felt lost. I was unsure of who I was. My past self was gone and I was developing into who I wanted to be in the future.

Motherhood was different than what I expected. I felt overwhelmed, anxious and guilty for yelling at my kids. I didn’t recognize who I was anymore. And so often, my clients tell me the same thing.

I knew there had to be a way to come BACK TO MYSELF again.

Now I’m here, on the other side of it, with a new mission:

To help you, Mama, understand how to find your identity, and put into place some core foundations that will help you succeed long term.

You deserve to find alignment and joy in motherhood.

My mission is to help moms, just like you, experience motherhood in a unique, fulfilling way, without all of the mom guilt, busyness, overwhelm, and comparison.

A Peek Inside the Course

Module 1: How Finding Your Identity Will Change Your Life

Overview: Your life is immensely diverse but discovering who you are and how you view yourself (aka identity) impacts all your relationships and areas of your life. Without a clear identity, you will feel overwhelmed, anxious, uncertain about your future.

Outcome: You will learn the areas of your life that will be impacted once you have rediscovered your identity.

Module 2: Change Your Thinking

Overview: Thoughts are extremely powerful. Thoughts shape how we feel and view ourselves. How we feel affects how we act in our day to day.

Outcome: You will learn how to identify your thoughts, change your thoughts and experience a shift in your mindset.

Module 3: Core Beliefs and Values

Overview: Each and every person has unique experiences that shape their core beliefs. This week’s module will focus on helping you identify your core beliefs and values.

Outcome: You will learn to identify what your core beliefs and values are as well reflect on how these shape who you are as a mom and woman.

Module 4: Boundaries

Overview: It can be so hard to know what your boundaries are and how to communicate them. This module is all about helping you identify your boundaries and learn how this can impact your experience in motherhood.

Outcome: You will have clarity in boundaries that need to be newly implemented and will be able to communicate those boundaries in your relationships.

Module 5: Discovering Self-Confidence

Overview: It can be challenging to feel confident in your decisions in motherhood. But learning how to be confident will be pivotal in numerous areas of your motherhood experience.

Outcome: Take away practical tips to become more confident in how you mother and how you live your life without the comparison to other moms.

Module 6: Creating Community and Connection

Overview: Motherhood isn’t meant to be experienced alone. But how do you find community that’s in alignment with you and your values? How do you connect with your partner with your new found identity?

Outcome: Be confident in how to find and build community and connection with others. You’ll have practical ways to connect with other moms who have similar goals and visions.

BONUS! Overcoming Mom Guilt

Overview: Experiencing mom guilt is very common. We will explore where this emotion comes from, learn practical ways to overcome mom guilt and provide you with ways to combat the guilt in future motherhood seasons.

Outcome: You will feel more confidence and boldness rather than guilt. You will know who you are and not look to others to give you value and worth.



balance in motherhood, joyful motherhood, strong mom

The time is now, Mama, to invest in yourself!