How to Navigate Feeding Decisions in Motherhood: Finding What Works for You and Baby

A mother making a feeding choice with her newborn, highlighting feeding decisions in early motherhood

Motherhood is a beautiful, yet challenging, journey, especially during the early stages of feeding your baby. Whether you're breastfeeding, formula feeding, using purees or exploring methods like baby-led weaning, the experience can be both overwhelming and rewarding.

Breaking Free from the Pressure to ‘Get Feeding Right’

As a new mom, the expectation that you should have all the answers can be daunting. Even after attending classes, reading countless blogs, talking to moms or following social media accounts for advice. Feeding a baby isn't one-size-fits-all, and every mom’s journey looks different. You’re not expected to know all these things. Even if you’ve been preparing, motherhood is full of surprises, and it’s okay to feel like you’re not always in control.

Whether you're breastfeeding, formula feeding, or trying baby-led weaning, the sheer amount of information can feel overwhelming.

Understanding Every Feeding Journey is Unique

It’s easy to compare your experience with others, but it’s crucial to remember that every baby—and every feeding journey—is different. What works for one mom may not work for another. Whether you’re dealing with oversupply, undersupply, or your baby is struggling with weight gain, know that there are solutions, and you are not alone.

Various feeding options like bottles and breastfeeding supplies, representing feeding choices for moms.

Many moms, like myself, have faced unexpected challenges—whether it’s navigating a tongue tie, dealing with the emotional rollercoaster of changing feeding plans, or struggling to find what works.

The Connection Between Feeding Challenges and Mental Health

Feeding challenges can take a toll on your mental health. Feelings of guilt and shame that often arise when things don’t go as planned. As moms, we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all, and when feeding doesn’t go as expected, it can really impact your confidence. It’s important to focus on what is best for your baby and your own well-being. Your mental wellness matters as much as your child’s nutrition. Letting go of the guilt and shame and focusing on health is key.

Navigating Guilt and Shame Around Feeding Choices

  1. Identifying Your Feeding Priorities: Before you encounter feeding challenges, outline what’s most important to you regarding feeding (e.g., organic options, budget constraints).

  2. Building a Support Network for Your Feeding Journey: Reach out to trusted friends and professionals who will provide non-judgmental advice and support.

  3. Researching Your Feeding Options: Research options for feeding (formula brands, types of baby food) before you need to make a decision. Use reputable sources and seek recommendations from trusted friends.

  4. Trusting Your Instincts in Feeding Decisions: As you gain experience, trust your intuition regarding what feels right for you and your baby. Don’t hesitate to seek help when something feels off.

  5. Accepting Help and Building Confidence: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or accept support from others, whether it’s in the form of meals, babysitting, or just emotional support.

  6. Prioritize Your Mental Health: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider talking to a therapist or healthcare provider. Recognizing when you need additional support is essential for your well-being.

Motherhood is hard enough without the added stress of unrealistic feeding expectations. You deserve to feel confident in your feeding journey, whatever that may look like. It’s about finding what works for you and your baby, not perfection. Remember that this journey is yours to shape.

I recently had Erin Moore, NP on my podcast on this exact topic for new mom. Check out Episode 54 if you want to hear our conversation to support you or a friend as you navigate all the decisions that goes into feeding your child.

There’s no perfect way to feed your baby—there’s only the way that works best for you, your baby, and your mental health. What matters most is that your baby is fed, and you feel supported.

Must-Have Feeding Supplies for Every Mom

I know navigating tools and supplies for feeding my kids, was so overwhelming. Here are some of my favorites:

NumNum baby spoons


Sippy Cup


Food Mat

Breastfeeding Haakka



If you are feeling unsure of what you value or believe on this baby feeding journey, let the Experience Identity Program support you in feeling more like yourself, so that you can make those important decisions for your child.

You’ve got this, Mama! Trust your intuition!

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Comparison in Motherhood: Navigating Identity and Experience