Experience Motherhood

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Your Anxious Mind

Anxiety is a word that appears in our daily conversations. Since the COVID pandemic, it feels as if everyone is experiencing new levels of worry. But as a mom who has already been juggling "all the things”, anxiety has only become exacerbated.

When you became a mother, your level of anxiety changed. You became aware of another human being that is in your care. This baby changed you; changed your perspective on the world. These days there is more pressure than ever to maintain the “mom who does it all” appearance. We know this is unachievable, yet we begin to worry what others will think of us if we don’t appear to have it all together.

As a therapist, I’ve learned a lot about anxiety. I’ve worked with many individuals (young and old) who struggle with anxious thinking. Therapy is a HUGE resource to find relief when anxiety is overbearing. But what do you do if you have worry but you aren’t ready to start therapy?

Enter coaching. Coaching is an avenue similar to therapy, but is structured towards future movement and growth rather than past healing. Coaching can tackle those anxious thoughts, while focused on future growth (not healing the past).

So let’s tackle 3 basic tips to manage your anxious mind, Mama.

  1. Name your feeling. You have to admit to yourself that you are worrying a lot. Identify what you are anxious about and accept that that is what you are feeling. Validate your experience.

  2. Schedule your “to-do-list”. Oftentimes, a mom’s “to-do-list” leads to the most anxiety in their minds. Keeping track of kid activities, work deadlines, household chores, and making dinner are just a handful of tasks. If you can take the 20-30 minutes one time per week and plan out your to-do-list/calendar, this will greatly relieve your anxiety of being labeled the “forgetful mom”.

  3. Carve out self-thought time. Yes, self-care is important, but I want you to really focused on your thoughts in quiet. Start small and work yourself up to longer period of times, in which you are quietly alone in your thoughts. Put down your phone. Ask yourself, who do I want to become this week? How can I pursue her character?

Anxiety can be a serious ailment. But know that anxiety itself isn’t bad. It becomes problematic when it is overbearing and keeping you from completing daily activities or stealing your joy.

So, are you a mom ready to take back your anxious mind? Are you wanting to be known as the mom who is in charge of her worries? You got this, Mama.